Wednesday, January 30, 2013

PJs and a video

A few moments of our week...

In my sewing class I'm taking at BYU (I decided just to take a class for fun this semester to help me get out of the house), we made pj bottoms this week. I made baby matching bottoms. Oh yes just helping her be my little clone. 

When baby is awake, I have no idea what to do with her. She can only do so much tummy time. Then, I remember one of my friends gave her baby girl a manicure when she was 2 weeks old. I looked at her little nails and realized that even if I was sure it was okay that baby probably would end up chewing off the nail polish, there was no way I could paint those little things. That is a picture of her pinky finger next to mine. Her's is about the size of the tip of a ball point pen. I kid you not. It's tiny. 

Also baby learned a few new tricks this week. 

One is sleeping!!! We love it. She sleeps pretty awesome now at night (well most of the time). We stick her down and she'll sleep for 5 hours, eat and then sleep for another 3. We are still tired, but not from her but from our own bad sleeping habits.

And here is a video of her other tricks...smiling and making noises. She's usually like this in the morning. She was going on and on for like 10 minutes today...which was good, because it took me about that long to figure out the camera. 
(There is just might have to turn the volume up pretty loud)

And last but not least, we helped my mom put together stuff for my sister at the MTC, which you can read at her

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