Thursday, April 10, 2014

Thought Bubble Thursday - Blue Steel

Due to the overwhelming turnout, it's taken us some time to select a winner, but we've finally decided to give the first Thought Bubble Thursday to Jacob Ross who noticed Madeleine's striking resemblance to Derek Zoolander.



Madeleine has struggled to come to terms with being really really really ridiculously good-looking, and she's certainly tried to assassinate Michele a number of times, but I'd say that Madeleine has more in common with Hansel -- "Do I know what I'm doing today? No. But I'm here, and I'm gonna give it my best shot."

For this week's Thought Bubble, we've chosen to feature Madeleine's darker side. Believe it or not, she can have quite a temper. Lately, when we don't let her get her way, she's resorted to swearing at us in baby talk (which consists of rapidly and angrily babbling "mum mum mum" mixed in with other syllables.) In this snapshot, she looks like she just found out I gambled away her college fund. (Joke's on her -- she doesn't have one.)

Seriously, why is she so mad? Please help us assuage her discontent by leaving a comment with your best guess as to what she is thinking. Our favorite response will be featured in the next Thought Bubble Thursday.

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