Saturday, November 8, 2014

John W. Flemer Preserve

Baby X and Madeleine were both sick this week (oddly with different things) and Baby X got his first two teeth in with two more on the way. Poor little guy roughed through it for the most part but Thursday both kids were so cranky.  I knew they needed naps, so I threw them in the car and we explored the neighborhoods of Princeton. It was perfect for all of us. I got the nice pretty views of pretty homes with the backdrop of Fall, while they got an hour nap. But also while I was exploring, I found some new parks! I was pretty thrilled about it, so this morning we bundled up for the 39 degree weather and went on a short hike.

The park I picked is called John W. Flemer Preserve. It is off our normal biking trail but north instead of south like we usually go to get the grocery store or church. We didn't read the plaques so I don't know much about it, but it had two trails. One is four miles long, and the other was just running around the trees. We basically just walk and stood around the trees for most of the time while Madeleine collected stuff. 


 These were the two trail heads from the parking lot. We took the one on the right. We didn't go very far. Madeleine stopped every foot or two to pick up rocks, leaves, or sticks.

Eventually we made it onto a small loop trail. It was so calm and pretty. Madeleine kept point to the birds saying "Burr, Burr." (To be honest, I didn't think she knew what a bird was. We tend to point out airplanes most of the time.)

After 45 minutes of walking around, we headed out to the car, so Matt could go to work and I could thaw my toes. (I found out today that thin socks and converse aren't to great in cold weather. Who knew right?) But before we could leave, we had to check out this digger thing that as next to our car. 

It was a great way to start our day. I have been wanting to go hiking more this fall. We usually bike, but it's been raining the last few weekends. Today's weather was beautiful once we were all bundled up. Hopefully next week we can go again.

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